Meeting Time: December 13, 2022 at 7:00pm EST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

E.)  An Ordinance to amend Chapter 25. Zoning. Division B. Agriculture Districts. Article VII. General Agriculture (GA) Districts. Section 25-74. Uses permitted by special use permit. K. Mini-warehouses. Amendment to allow Mini-Warehouses in General Agricultural (GA) Districts with a Special Use Permit provided: minimum required setbacks from residentially zoned property be at least one hundred feet (100’), minimum setbacks from arterial streets be at least two hundred feet (200’), storage shall be within completely enclosed buildings, entrance gates be setback forty feet (40’) from streets and aisleways for vehicular traffic, aisleways for vehicular traffic be eighteen feet (18’) for one-way traffic and twenty-four feet (24’) for two-way traffic, structures shall not exceed twenty feet (20’) in height, no doors facing residential zoned districts may exceed eight feet (8’) height, no activities such as sales, repair, or servicing of goods, equipment or vehicles be permitted, and no storage of hazardous, toxic, or explosive materials be permitted.