Meeting Time: December 13, 2022 at 7:00pm EST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

C.)    A request to rezone from Single-Family Residential to Attached Residential approximately 3 acres of a 4.5-acre parcel (TMP 066C 1 8; 066C 1 9) owned by 127 Investments, LLC located on 1357 Jefferson Highway in Fishersville in the Beverley Manor Magisterial District. The property is located within an Urban Service Overlay District, in an Urban Service Area of the Comprehensive Plan, planned for Medium Density Residential, allowing for three to four units per acre. The proposed usage of the property is to have three vertical clusters of townhouses with an access street in the middle of the lot.  

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    Stephanie Cash almost 2 years ago

    We live adjacent (TMP 066C 8 4) to the proposed property (TMP 006C 1 8; 066C 1 9) According to the Comprehensive Plan, which the Board of Supervisors voted on, this is Single Family Residential. At no point was this property considered to be any more than Single Family Residential. There is no justification to change the zoning other than 127 Investments, LLC personal monetary gain. The county will not benefit. There is already over 900 acres already zoned for Single Family Connected Residential. Stick to the Comprehensive Plan!

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    Stacey Diehl almost 2 years ago

    I am located on Lot 26 in Fairmont. This will literally be right in my backyard and decrease my property value tremendously. The traffic on 250 is an invitation to someone getting hurt if not killed already. Just to get out of my neighborhood in the morning is almost impossible. Nothing is being done to fix the traffic in and out of Wilson and this will only add to the problem. I have lived here since 2008 and I have put every spare dime I have into this house to improve the value all while making my house a home and a place me and my family want to be. And now you are giving consideration to let townhomes be put in my backyard, and all for someone’s financial gain. I have not seen one single reason is to why this is beneficial to our community. This is a single family residential property and there is absolutely no need to change the zoning to single family attached. Please do not give this any consideration.

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    Jeremy McCray almost 2 years ago

    I live at 1325 Jefferson Highway. My TMP is 066C 8 3. I agree with Charlie May, Lance Cash and Terri Cale that this would have a negative impact on my property value and would be a traffic hazard to Rt. 250. The property owner, which is an investment company, knowingly bought this property as Single Family Residential. This appears that 127 Investments are only asking for it to be rezoned as a monetary gain for themselves. This owner (127 Investments ) does not live in this direct vicinity and does not encounter the traffic hazard that this would cause or the impact to the Wilson Schools. This is not a valid reason for rezoning. There are already surrounding properties that are already zoned as Mulitfamily Residential according to TMP 066C 16 1 and TMP 066F 11 1 which is zoned as Single-Family Attached Residential. Those properties are off LifeCore Drive. LifeCore Drive provides a better ingress and egress. The proposal to rezone TMP 066C 1 8; 066C 1 9 does not provide an adequate ingress and egress for traffic that would be entering and exiting the property off Rt. 250. If 127 Investments is wanting to build townhouses or apartments then they should purchase property that is already zoned in accordance. This should be a Not Recommend to the Board of Supervisors!

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    Terri Cale almost 2 years ago

    I live off Jefferson Highway (TMP 066C 8 2A) and I am completely opposed to the request by 127 Investments, LLC to rezone from Single-Family Residential to Attached Residential. This would negatively affect my property value, as well as, increased traffic flow to the Wilson Complex. I see a potential of unwanted foot traffic through my property that could result in increased crime to my neighborhood. There is already townhomes, apartments and income-based apartments in immediate area off Rt. 250. The developers are continuing to build apartment/townhomes off Bobby’s Way that will increase the enrollment at Wilson Schools and increased traffic. This should not be considered or even approved!!!!

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    Lance Cash almost 2 years ago

    We live adjacent (TMP 066C 8 4) to the proposed property (TMP 006C 1 8; 066C 1 9) This request will negatively affect my property value and the surrounding neighborhoods and have a negative impact on the community. The county sill has no solution to the traffic problem on Rt.250 between Mule Academy intersection and Life Core entering the Wilson School Complex. There is already an approved Multi-family residential off of Bobby's Way this is continuing to build townhouses and apartments. AND there is an approved Single Family Attached Residential off Life Core (TMP 066F 11 1, 066F 11 3) that are rental units. The owner(s) of 127 Investments was VERY WELL aware that the property was zoned Single Family Residential!! Why is there any consideration to this proposal??? This property NEEDS to remain as single family residential. Our schools are too close to full capacity with the townhomes and apartments that are currently under construction in the community.

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    Charlie May almost 2 years ago

    My propert is lot 28, on the back of the proposed development. What safeguards and guarantees can I expect this will not encroach on my propery with storm water abatement measures? The access road on to 250 is going to get someone killed or seriously injured, regardless of vdot approval. The school traffic in the morning and evening, plus increased overall traffic is a recipe for tragedy in that area if an access road is built to accommodate 20+ multi-family units. The idea is ill-conceived.