Meeting Time: October 05, 2023 at 1:30pm EDT
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Agenda Item

4.G) A request by Cara Romaine, agent for Esa Solar, for a Special Use Permit for the construction and operation of Fishersville Solar, a 2 Megawatt alternating current small scale solar facility on property owned by James W. and Kelly B. Curd, located approximately 2,000 feet east of Fishersville, off of Long Meadow Road near the intersection of Long Meadow Road and US 250 in the Wayne District.

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    Bob Pingry about 1 year ago

    I, Bob Pingry, residing at 306 Old Goose Creek Road, Fishersville, VA, support the Special Use Permit request by ESA Solar for a small scale solar installation located off Long Meadow Drive in Fishersville. Solar farms and individual installations are a absolutely required for our childrens future. All opposition to solar installations is a threat to our future generations welfare and wellbeing. It is also intresting that the landscaping required for Augusta County solar installations is not required for commercial or residential developments that adjoin existing residential uses or ROW's, Case in point is Meyers Corners, the retail strip center across from Tinkling Springs Church and the sidewalk along Lifecore Drive, all of which impact the viewshed and quality of life of the citzens of Augusta County way more than a solar farm, WHICH REQUIRES SUBSTANTIAL LANDSCAPING BUFFERS. Please vote to approve the special use permit for this and all future solar installations.

    Thank You, Bob Pingry