Meeting Time: July 11, 2023 at 7:00pm EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4.C) A request to rezone from General Agriculture to Multi-Family Residential with proffers, and a request to amend the Augusta County Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Medium-Density Residential to Multi-Family Residential for approximately 11.10 acres owned by Pecarma, LLC (TMPs 067 55 portion, 067 55A, and 067 2 2A) located at the intersection of Jefferson Hwy and Lambert Ln in Waynesboro in the Wayne Magisterial District. The property is located within an Urban Service Overlay, in an Urban Service Area of the Comprehensive Plan, planned for Medium-Density Residential. The purpose of the request is to construct seven (7) apartment buildings with up to one hundred and eighty-eight (188) total apartment units.   The applicant has requested a deferral until the September 12, 2023 Planning Commission meeting.

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    Nicole Jamison over 1 year ago

    The proposed 7 4 story apartments do not fit into the current community, nor does it flow with Augusta County's Comprehensive Plan and Fishersville Small Area Plan. In reviewing Pecarma's Concept Plan it doesn't follow the Multi-Family Residential guidelines laid out it the Fishersville Small Area Plan- i.e., "These higher density areas should provide a mixture of unit sizes", "A pedestrian-friendly design that incorporates open spaces and can be integrated into the surround communities by way of through streets, sidewalks, and walking/biking trails should be KEY elements." There is no mixture of unit sizes proposed. The concept plan only shows a small open space that does not look pedestrian or family friendly. Fishersville Small Area Plan, Land Use Development Goal 1 (Preserve and enhance the small-town character), Objective D, Policy 1 Building Massing (page 44)- The County should establish provisions in its Zoning Ordinance to regulate the massing of new construction to ensure that new buildings in the Fishersville area do not OVERWHELM neighboring structures and instead seamlessly blend in with them. These apartment buildings will overwhelm not only the single-family houses in front of the proposed development but also the single-family homes located on Kingsbury Dr. that look directly over this parcel. Please take all these comments into consideration. Thank you.