Meeting Time: February 03, 2022 at 1:30pm EST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

5.A) A request by Timothy Grove, agent for Houff Corporation, for a Special Use Permit to construct a manure storage facility to store bio-solids or manure for future land application on property owned by Crosby Farm, LLC, located at 408 Hankey Mountain Highway, Churchville in the Pastures District. - Tabled at the January 6, 2022 Meeting - WITHDRAWN

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    darrell campbell almost 3 years ago

    I Darrell Campbell presented a petition of 218 signatures of folks within a 1.25 mi. radius of proposed pit site at Jan.6 BZA meeting. Since, the BZA meeting I, along with a local team of, " Quit the Pit" citizens have worked non stop on this project .Man, I didn't know how many super smart folks lived in the Churchville area. We are now a group of hundreds of Churchville strong. I would strongly request the BZA deny this request and allow the Churchville area to remain as we know it. We had two town meetings in Churchville on Jan. 21 with 128 new signatures and 270 people attend including WHSV news. We the "Churchville Strong", Quit the Pit" group are growing every day. We also already have enough information to make this subject a national issue. Thanks Darrell Campbell

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    Elizabeth Whitesell almost 3 years ago

    I am opposed to this sludge pit in Churchville. It will be too close to our homes, The Churchville Elementary School, as well as our four churches. Please consider all the residents of Churchville. We need your support. I know you will make the right decision for us and deny the permit for special use. Thank you for your consideration.

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    Robert Colgan almost 3 years ago

    That this zoning board COMPLETELY ignored the petition signed by local residents tells more strongly than anything else they could have done to show that they DO NOT CARE about the health and well-being of local citizens. 5 to 15 tractor trailer tankers per day??? More than 3 million gallons of sludge to be spread on local lands with ground water and wells potentially affected----which has been pointed out to the ZB and which they also seemingly rejected as immaterial...? Interesting that no one on the ZB lives anywhere near this proposed dumpsite for industrial and agricultural waste.....not their backyard, so they're not that concerned with longterm environmental effects it seems.
    There are alternatives to such a facility----including one that's sealed/covered and works anaerobically to break down the material safely and without odor while producing viable methane for capture and use. Costlier at first, but over the years far more beneficial environmentally and economically speaking. The ZB needs to step up on this one....simply passing it on to the DEQ isn't in the best interest of being responsive to the local Churchville residents whose lives are going to be affected by their decision. The ZB needs to LISTEN to the locals on this.

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    Debbie Huffer almost 3 years ago

    Concern for air quality and water run off all ready a problem in this area. Concerned as well for increased large truck traffic.